Daily Energy Cap
Operators start the game with 2/2 Energy, and Max Energy Caps at 20/20 by N Quality NFTs. Users can increase their Energy by getting more or higher quality Buses(Refer to Energy Control System)
Daily Token Cap
Operators start the game with a 10 Daily ART Cap. The Daily Token Cap maxes out at 500 ART. Users can increase their Daily Token Cap by leveling up their Bus NFTs.
Operator Earning Mechanics
All operators in service share the rewards from the earning pool based on their bus NFTs. An operator consumes 0.1 energy points for operating the virtual bus for one minute. Here is the formula to calculate the reward for 0.1 energy points:
where EP is the current ART balance in the earning pool (24 * 60) Total minutes of a day Weight(E) Weighted efficiency of all operator's buses that are currently online in service.
Factors that influence the rewards:
Efficiency and number of the bus NFTs
Time Duration of the operation online
ART balance of the earning pool
Daily Token Cap
Last updated